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Ireland blog is up with pics! Pictures are up for Paris blog and still trying to work on a video for Paris - having technical difficulties.

September 5, 2010

Seven Hour Layover

I have a seven hour layover.  What else am I supposed to do with my time?  I found a club-lounge here at the DFW airport and for the first hour or so I had it all to myself it was nice.  I only paid twenty five dollars and it includes free WiFi, snacks, three alcoholic beverages and a shower if I need it.  I would have to be pretty dirty to take a shower in an airport.  After enjoying my time alone a few people started to trickle in and I noticed they were speaking Spanish.  So I thought to myself, "Hey I wonder if they are going to Madrid as well?"   If so they have a while to wait as well.  Bet you anything they are on my flight.  

I did some Skype-ing with the family and got to video chat with my padres and talk to my Tios.  Later after while I might just grab me a brewsky and find me a place to go eat lunch.   First priority is writing my letter to my school in Spain.   Still have no clue what to say in the letter so I hope something clever jumps in my mind quick.  I need to take some pictures as well,  study my Spanish and hopefully make a friend.   I'm looking around and no one looks friendly enough to approach.  Oh well.  So just a small update for yall while I patiently wait (as I look at the clock) 4 1/2 more hours till I get on the plane to Madrid.  UGHHH

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! We are in Espana! So happy at that we are here together!!! love the blog and soo jealous that I wasn't in the airport lounge with you!
