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Ireland blog is up with pics! Pictures are up for Paris blog and still trying to work on a video for Paris - having technical difficulties.

September 12, 2010

Life in Spain has Started

Small streets, narrow cobblestone pathways and colorful edifices seem to stretch on forever as I walk around the town of Sevilla.  It is so hard to describe such a beautiful city.  The locals are always looking their best as it seems to be a common practice to people watch while walking in El Centro.  From the Catedral to Alcazar I'm astounded by the these gorgeous monuments. --Pictures below--

Meeting for tapas and drinking more than enough Cruz Campo, (THE ONLY local beer) I already feel totally immersed into the culture.  Life is great in Sevilla, time is not of the essence and patience is often required.  Ask for a water at a local restaurant and it may take you fifteen minutes to get it because the waitor is in a heated argument with a local and his conversion comes first before your needs of thirst.  Shocking till you find out that this is the local theme around these parts.  There is no such thing as customer service and its hard to think that anything ever gets accomplished.

Getting lost has become a hobby of mine as well as paying to much for a taxi because my feet are screaming at me to give them a break.  Scooters are quite popular and it is my goal to buy one once I arrive at my final destination in Motril.  Bike rental stations are also a common sight.  I still haven't quite figured out how to use this system but once I do, it will come in handy.

The weekend provided me a trip to Cadiz with a new friend who is as adventurisitc if not more than I am.  We met at the bus station and paid around $15 for a round trip to Cadiz. An hour and 45 minutes later we arrived at the Island with sights set for the beach.  Come to find out we had forgotten the most important beach necessity, our towels.  Sadly we had to barter with a vendor to sell us one fuzzy, peeling, blue towel that once it was used made us look like we were growing blue fur.  Constantly keeping our eyes on our stuff (getting robbed is common) while swimming in the cold waves we boasted about living our life to the fullest while our friends back home are stuck in ruts looking for jobs.  The beach was relaxing except for some creepy local that gave us quite a scare, yet we did our best to ignore him until he left us alone.   We laid out hoping to get some color while chatting with the local women who's bathing suit tops seemed to be optional.  Their boobs could be hanging down to their belly buttons and all was well in their world.  We eventually got used to it.  We somehow made our way back to the bus station in time to make it home for dinner and a shower before leaving again to party with the locals.

All in all, life here in Sevilla has been interesting and full of adventures and its not over yet!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlie!
    Looks awesome there! We miss you! I got the paintings framed and want to email pics to you. Do you have your same email address?
